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Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Health Insurance: Your Rights Under State Law
Health insurance is regulated at the state level and as such there are certain very important state regulations that you should be aware of. These health insurance regulations vary from state to state. Do not make the mistake of assuming that the health insurance policy that you purchased in Pennsylvania will be governed under the same rules as the health insurance policy that you would like to purchase in Florida.

It would be close to impossible to go into a great deal of depth on the various regulations across all 50 states in this short article. However, there is a health insurance information site run by Georgetown University that allows the ability to view and print
A Consumer Guide to Getting and Keeping Health Insurance.

Each of these health insurance Consumer Guides are state specific which can save you quite a bit of time in sorting through what does and does not apply to your state of residency. Do your research on the insurance rules and regulations in your state and then be sure to enlist the help of a qualified independant insurance agent to assist you. Be a knowledgeable consumer when shopping for health insurance and know your rights under state law.

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posted by Zak @ 9:56 PM  
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